Getting on to the backseat of my car on the very first day, with Pappu as Chauffeur, I realised some thing was different. There was a strong whiff which disturbed me. Can you sack your driver on his first day of employment, because of his body odour? I can't. May be because I am a soft hearted idiot!
I quietly presented him with two sets of new vests. Advised him to come to work every day cleanshaven and only after having daily shower. I perfumed my car with some liberal dose of Aerosol to overcome this problem.
In Mumbai, I stopped going by local train for long. Once I asked my relative, 'why don't you go by First Class so that you can avoid the crowd and inconvenience'? He told me that the difference between First class and cattle class is nothing great, that in Second Class one can get natural perfume whereas in First class, you can smell artificial perfume!
The other day, I got in to the lift alone and experienced nausea due to the strong whiff that was left lingering. Some one who used the lift just before me, must be a owner of an obnoxious chemical factory!
A person smoking cigar will not feel its smell but for others it will be intolerable. What to say, many are oblivious of what they cause to others. A little extra care about personal hygiene and using some mitigating agents such as perfumes would solve this issue.
I remember during my hostel days when, just lying in my bed and closing the eyes, I can identify a few hostel mates passing by my room. My friends used to ask me how I could to identify a person just by his scent?
Afterall, this is what is known as the Scent of Life!
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