A teacher experienced this incident.
She goes to the class, takes the attendance and proceeds to clean up the board. The duster was not in its cradle and she asks the children to find out.
Not found in the class room, she tells the children to search under their desks...
One of the children make a comment.. "search through"Wikipedia"!
To seek some favor, a student meets a professor who has authored many books but the student has never read one. Even as he talks to the professor, he searches from the Internet the title and details of professor's works. He uses the information and impresses the professor to get his job done!
Number of people participate in quiz programs or other media competitions, use the net to give correct answer.
Thousands of strangers meet through the net every day and exchange a lot of information through social networking sites, and in the process, get emotionally attached. The other day I met a friend who said that I have adopted a sister from Switzerland. I call her "swister"! He started identifying her as his emotional aquifer!
Like you see in some curios shop, Human Mind is also like a fragile item. As you may note the warning in the shop, it is nice to lift it up and hold it, but never let it go by loosening the grip, or tighten it, for both actions would result in irreparable damage!
So friends please advise your near and dear ones to ACCESS NETWORKING SITES WITH A LITTLE EXTRA CAUTION!