Any language can be interesting if it is learnt with interest.
The word pun itself means the humorous use of a word or phrase so as to emphasize or suggest its different meanings or applications, or the use of words that are alike or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning. To put it simply,the word pun means a play on words!
Once a veteran leader from South,not known for his mastery over English, was interviewed by American Journalists. One of them wanted to test his English speaking skills. He asked the leader, if he can use continuously the word 'because' three times to form a meaningful sentence.
Pat came the reply from the leader, "no sentence can end in the word 'because'because 'because' is a conjunction"!
That leader from South is none other than Dr. Anna Durai, who was Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and a great leader of Indian politics.
Here are some punctuals!(actually pun words!)
Always we find poor people are employed in a bakery; for they are Kneady!
The kitchen sink was cloggy so I changed it for smooth flow, but in the process, money also went down the drain!
The recent floods world over made me believe that no one has complete reign over rain!
The picture below the headline does not give full picture of the story!
The lawyer did not accept the brief as he feared a brief amount in return!
In childhood everyone is puny; but as one ages, they become punny!
Of late,it has become fashionable to use lot of word play popularly known as 'punch' dialogues! If you are in the habit of watching movies, you would observe that the dialogue delivery is made interesting by the use of pun(ch) words.
You can have fun in life but not funny life! Life can be full of problems but life itself should not be a problem!
One speaker,during introduction, apologetically said that 'I lack grammar so please don't expect my English to be grammarous!' Some one from the audience remarked, " but you don't lack glamour so we hope it will be glamorous!"
It is not that Pun with words can be spun by only those who are word pundits! A little bit of practice would enable anyone to liberally punctuate speeches with pun words!
Come on punning pundits, lets now open a pundora box!
super subburayan..oh subu sir..:) thanks:)
Pinnittinga..he he
like the pic
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