Whilst on vaccation at Mumbai, I am back to the usual habit of browsing the news papers. What is disturbing me is to read the news about road accidents every day.
Someone, I met during an air travel, told me that there is no point in reading the news papers as they give only depressing and 'late' news. Very true. But I couldn't help thinking about the frequent road accidents happening in our country and compare them to the road accidents in other parts of the world.
Whilst in the middle east, I have observed that most of the accidents are due to human errors like over speeding, loosing control and the like, or due to fog, storm and other Acts of God. In contrast, in India, I find many head-on collisions taking place day in and day out, resulting in innumerable loss of lives.
Accidents do not happen; they are caused. Should we not find out the root cause for such accidents?
When you find that this kind of accidents do not happen in the Middle East and many other countries, then you would realise that the fault lies some where else which can be identified and remedied.
Yes. The roads and transport authority should face this issue head on and come out with solutions so as to prevent all head-on collisions happening in our roads. This is very much achievable if all our roads are laid by preventing two way traffic.
I would ask our legal eagles to evaluate if there is any merit in filing a PIL to compel our Roads and transport Authority including the transport ministry to accept their responsibility in failing to construct exclusive two way lanes across the country.
Any road project shall be cleared only if it conforms to a collision proof standard!
Our country is witnessing a number of bandhs and dharnas for reducing the taxes, tolls etc. Why not we have some useful Bandhs to establish safe roads for the masses?
Can we hope to tie a SURAKSHA BANDHAN for all on this Raksha bandhan day?
i disagree with you sir..
me have frequent travels over the southern parts of our state - where they have laid 6 lane - yes - six lanes for transports. Me wrote the transport ministry and congratulate them for their maintenance. In fact through out India this exercise is going on.
as the traffic is still huge - some accidents could not be avoided. (feel you are there as insurance coverer!)
any have for bandh - u have intimate any minister from West Bengal!!
Your title made me think that the post must be about tips and tricks to escape the rakhi-wielding girls!!! :D
Well, I totally agree with your post. Indian roads must be one of the most dangerous. I can vouch for that as Ive been involved in at least three accidents, none of which were my fault, or so I believe truly. One needs to have eyes all around you and at least a dozen limbs to manoeuvre the machine to stay away from danger.
The number of vehicles increase exponentially whereas the infrastructure is at a stand still at the worst or it simply cannot keep up with the growing numbers. The situation goes from bad to worse with time.
excellent post.
as you ask about legal question.
But please under stand one of the problem of our Indian legal system is that Supreme court can only suggest to the Politicians. it can not make laws here our Indian democracy totally fails.
So even if our Indian lawyers file PIL AND SC may order, our politicians will not obey the order they will make the order pending forever,
example is Police reform order.
There are cases of near misses, which we don't take as a warning signal.
Self discipline is the best way, but its a tall order.
Why not we have some useful Bandhs to establish safe roads for the masses? excellent suggestion..wish the right people read this...but then, knowing our babus..y wil they do this..is there any commission possibility?
btw..subu sir..u r taking too long a vacation..better return fast as v r all bored here..
thanks subbu sir..waiting 2 c u back in sharjah:)
Yes i wish some body would do something and make our country road safe. In the US everybody drives so well, leaving one free of worries as to what might happen the next moment.
I think it will be many years before we had good roads and good drivers in India.
omg...i came here confidently thinking i can pick yr shortake..bahhh:) sirrr. inga rombo bore adikirathu..seekiram thirupi vanga..and one punch for disappointment on shortake...
shukran ji:)
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