Haven't you ever felt that some people are really hardnut to crack?.. that you can never persuade them to your way? Have you ever analysed why it happens that, with some people, you can never make any headway with all your tact and persuation skills?
Two type of people are difficult to persuade.
1. Those who are absolutely clear!
2. Those with whom you can never engage a conversation!
On many occasions, you would find it difficult to convince your boss, not because he is absolutely clear, but because he is shutout for any discussion. The same is also true with your close kith and kins.
Our old teachings say that one can use four methods to convince or persuade a person. They are known as 'Sama','Dhana', 'Bedha' and 'Dhanda'. To put it simply, the methods include Consultation, Motivation(reward), Segregation(isolation) and Punishment.
Out of 4 methods, three are useless when it comes to convincing your boss. Only consultation is the best method. But it would be futile if your boss is of any of the afore menitioned types!
With your children, may be consultation and motivation might work provided they are not falling under the above categories.
In any situation, not all four methods are required to be used every time you think of persuading someone. It may be enough, sometimes, if we use one of them, whereas one has to exahaust all the four options but still would fail to achieve the desired result.
Persuation techniques are like a medicine on hand which will cure a particular desease. You would come to know of its effectiveness only when you get an occasion to use it!
Use it with different doses for different people, but with the knowledge that it may not work at all.
nice post sir..
Segregation(isolation) and Punishment?
at times - some may say,
"go away (into the forest!) for 14 years.."
(a life sentence..)
Good one!
What one perceives as persuasion may be
construed as nuisance by another.
Its not just the gift of the gab that works,
the sincerity and genuineness of the person
makes a whole of difference to the situation
A little bit of charm does help too!
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