The karaoke system I had bought from Gitex trade in Dubai was giving trouble. The internal microphone had a puncture in the cord and went blank on and off whenever my daughter was singing.
The cordless microphones were also not working properly due to frequency-feed back problem. Everytime we tried to use, the microphones were giving a high frequency noise that even owls and bats would not tolerate!
My daughter began taunting me for buying a useless system. I started simmering and smoldering within. Angrily, traced the original purchase invoice from the file and dashed off to E Max, from whom I bought the system during the month of October at the E max stall at Gitex.
First we went to the service section where they collect the faulty items for warranty service. The guy at the counter advised us to meet a person at the Karaoke section who may be able to fix the problem and, in case he could not resolve the issue, then he would take it for repair service.
We met one Filipino guy who at first irked me with his remark that the warranty seal in one of the cordless microphones was broken, meaning that the warranty condition was affected. However, he started connecting it to one of the music systems. To my utter surprise, the cordless system behaved so obediently that he started testing it in different tones and made mocking noises! Then he explained to me patiently how to control the volume in the cordless system to avoid the frequency-feed back noises from arising.
We were so happy that the problem ended with such a simple solution that saved us from spending some extra money on buying internal microphones, as planned earlier, as an alternate solution.
Now the Filipino guy asked me if I can tell the name of the sales guy who sold the system at the Gitex. He also asked me if I tried to sing a song whilst buying. I replied that I sang a song but did not remember the sales guy and started to search for the name of salesman in the purchase bill. He asked me to read out the name from the left-hand top corner of the bill which read 'Marlo'
I thanked him for his service and asked his name when he flipped out his ID card which read "Marlo"!
I drove back home thinking that one needs to occasionally service the Memory too!
Some simple solutions are just right below our nose, which we seldom see.
Very true! But the fear of warranty conditions affecting, would desist people from even attempting to try those simple solutions, to the extent to expose them of being.. can I say, stupid!
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