Health concerns crop up frequently like a pop up message or some sms campaign! Driven by an urge to reduce weight, I started looking for ways and means to achieve that. Got myself enrolled in a gym closer to my house and started doing workouts for almost an year. Though the fitness appeared to have improved, the flab around the waist did not budge a bit. This I could realize whenever my boss tauntingly comments at me about my belligerent tummy!
One day I visited a client who is quite warm and friendly. When I was with him one of his office boys came with a glass kettle in which something was brewing! The office boy stooped towards me and inquired if I would have coffee or tea. I told him to bring tea without milk.
After he left the room, I was curios to know what was brewing in the kettle. My friendly client told me that it was Green tea specially sourced from a famous mall in Dubai. He went on to explain the qualities of green tea and what it will do to improve health and reduce weight. When I doubted its effect, he reasoned out by saying that even intake of mineral water can increase weight and that the anti oxidant properties of green tea, and other special ingredients contained in the particular brand would assure weight reduction.
Even then, I couldn't just believe that simply drinking green tea would reduce weight, seeing the person himself who is quite obese. But he quickly dispelled my disbelief by saying that he was once 120kg before hooked on to green tea and now he has come down to 110kg!
He elaborated how to prepare the green tea using the special glass kettle in which first tea is placed inside the mantle and, steaming hot water is gently poured to the level of mantle, which should be kept for 10 minutes. Now the tea is ready to be decanted in a tea cup and taken without adding milk or sugar.
Finally, I asked him a frank question as to 'why he did not offer Green Tea in the first place, was it because it was expensive?'
The reply from him surprised me.
He said that many of his friends whom he offered, initially did not like it, as it would taste like boiled water using’ Cow dung'!
Well, don’t you think, one would not mind some bitter medicine for achieving Good Health?