Today I wondered, 'how come, the most popular blog topic was out of my mind for so long! May be because I had this feeling that recipe writing is not my 'cuppa tea'.
If only experts are supposed to write about anything, then users would not have opportunity to become experts. Moreover, not all good academicians are good teachers.
All this caveat is for justifying my recipe that is to follow! One thing you can be rest assured that I will write only about what I have experienced myself and found to be reasonably OK, if not adjudged as'yummy'!
Today, we are going to see the recipe for Stew which is widely known in southern part of India, popularly known as Olan. I call this as Subustew. Because this'Olan' is not made exactly in the traditional way, but only to suit the requirements of an expat or someone who is too hungry & impatient!
1 Pealed and nicely cut grey gourd(vellai poosanikai or ilavan)- 300 gms
2 Ditto- carrot 50 gms
3 Ditto- arabi(big special chepankizhangu/chembu) 50 gms
4 Long green chillies- cutt longitudinally 3 or 4 nos
5 Optional- other vegetables (like green pea, capsicum) 25/25 gms
6 Cocunut oil- 7 to 12 ml
7 Asafotida- just enough to add flavor
8 Plain milk 50 ml(for puritans - coconut milk) 50 ml
9 Kadipatha/ curry leaves- (optional) 10 leaves
10 Moong dal 25 gm
Using a heavy bottomed vessel, In about 300 ml of boiling water put the moong dal(item 10)and allow for about 5 minutes. Then add all the items from 1 to 5 together.(If you thing that the arabi may take more time to cook, you may put it earlier for 5 minutes and then add all other items). Now, add salt and boil it for another 5 minutes.
At this moment, you can add Asafotida, Coconut oil and Kadi patha. After 5 minutes(ensuring that all vegetables are cooked properly) add the milk and swich off the stove within one minute!
SUBUSTEW is ready to be served!
You can be sure that the dish will not only be tasty, it will be too caring and affectionate to your stomach!
Probably you thought up this recipe
while getting stewed in the desert heat!
Nice click! Kerala cuisine adapted to
suit your needs-aptly named SUBUSTEW :)
ho my god..
thought - u may become a nice cook..
(is that quantity - enough?!!)
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