Saturday, May 15, 2010

Time Management

We had a group of hardworking boys during our college days. They were separate group who would not mingle with any one outside their ring. Always found under the roadside lamp-posts slogging out with thier text books and notes.

There was this other group of boys who were always seen at the "touring talkies" about one km away from the hostel giving their prompt attendance on every friday when a new movie was released.

When the term exam results come, it would be always those "touring talkies" boys who would score good marks, whereas those hardworking "lamp post" guys will carry those vetted papers sulkingly with their low score.

Again I could observe junior colleagues at work place who would stretch their work beyond office hours. Sometimes they carry work to home or come to office on weekends to office to finish the pending work.

Other set of people who stick to their office time and never seen in office on week ends are carrying work to their homes. Yet they finish their jobs silently and without any delay or pendancy!

Have you ever compared people who are in highly demanding jobs wherein one person is found to be always smiling and receptive of customers, whereas the other would pounce on all the callers and visitors?

Talking about Time Management, most of us believe that it is all about planning and managing your 24/7 effectively so that you can complete your work.

You can now go back to see whose success is great... those boys who toiled hard by sacrificing their dose of entertaiment or those from the "touring talkies" camp?

Well, Time management is not managing your time effectively; it is all about successful endeavours.

Yes! time management is about, Success that leaves no bad taste!


R. Ramesh said...

Time....if we have too much it is a prob..if we dont have it, it is a prob..hehhe

Sorcerer said...

Nice post..
first time here!

R. Ramesh said...

thanks sir

Latha Nair said...

TIME-it's always in short supply!

subu said...

Ramesh,Sorcerer and Latha.. thanks for the comment and for taking time to visit!

I am sure all of you are good at Time management!!

World will listen to the counsellors-astute!