Have you ever found out the reasons for any one becoming a Super star from a simple actor? One striking difference that comes to my mind is that Super stars are immensely popular with children.
Now, talking about the festivals of
We can never get back those childhood days when, we would celebrate one Diwali and immediately look forward to celebrate the next one in greater fervor.
Those were the days when we
· Take pride in bursting crackers well before dawn
· Crave to accumulate the shreds of crackers in front of our houses to show to others that ours was bigger celebration!
· Deliver more variety of sweets to the neighbors to prove that point again!
· Wear those ready made dresses with such patterns that no one else could be spotted wearing it!
· Even after all the crackers are used up, try to make improvised ones from the failed crackers from the debris!
· Show the burns as a proof of the adventurous style in celebrating Diwali!
Now after crossing the middle age, when social activists talk about various hazards involved in using fire works and also the plight of children employed in the industry, we tend to think deeply for and against celebrating Diwali.
Religious and mythological reasons, notwithstanding, Diwali is no more to be treated as a festival but a social movement that brings in a host of benefits to the society.
Well readers, if you agree with the above statement, I am sure, you can expect your bonus very soon!