Chair is very important in our life! From 'Walking Chair' to 'Easy Chair' we occupy a chair almost from the infant stage till we call it a day!
Imagine a job without the chair. Such a job would be very difficult and arduous to perform. Even a lift operator or a security personnel to be provided with a chair, if he has to be effective. In most companies, chairs and tables are given to employees according to their category or positions. People get emotionally attached and tend to identify themselves with their chairs.
I know a person who has occupied one chair for over 3 decades in his office. Even when the entire office was refurbished, he refused to change his chair! Some people will never leave their chair, come what may! But some will sense trouble in between and run away! Well, does it sound like something that we heard from Egypt and Tunisia?
In a meeting you rise to make a point with the permission of "The Chair". Nothing in a company moves without the approval of the Chairperson! Human beings are so attached to their chairs that they would go to any extent to retain it! We also observe people who occupy their chairs day and night and, throughout the year, thereby their bodies take the shape of their chairs! Now with the invasion of computers and laptops in every day life, even children refuse to move away from their chairs in front of the computer! They also develop neck and shoulder pain and other funny problems like Corporal Tunnel Syndrome!
In the living rooms, the chairs in front of TVs are never unoccupied, unless the TVs break down!
At Corporate Board rooms, you have many battles for occupying the coveted Chair! Whatever be your position or social status, we can give only one simple advice: Please choose your chair which will suit your back! In literal as well as in euphemistic sense! If you occupy a chair which is not suitable to you, i.e. in tune with your qualification and skills, then you would find it difficult to take decision and do justice to your chair. Here also your spine will be at risk as you may have to take some bold decisions! If the chair is not ergonomically suitable, then also it will create trouble to your spine.
The first thing I did when I joined the new office was to closely examine the chair given to me. I immediately realized that I needed a back support! (Literally, and not euphemistically!). I bought a back rest from the market and started using it from very next day!
Well, from that day onwards, I could take some bold decisions without injuring my back!