Last friday I had been to the Emirates Humor Club's 22nd meet. The new talk show plan unveiled by the Humor Club made me think why not I put these topics to a wider audience so as to propagate this Humor epidemic!
The talk show topics are as follows:-
Sense of humor refines family life
sense of humor helps professional life
sense of humor is simply recreational
The participants are to take up one topic and impress the audience with their arguments humourously.
All the above statements are real facts and are very useful, if we practice them for increasing the overall happiness quotient. Like the Butan king's campaign for Gross National Happiness, if we all follow the above three humor statements, one can really achieve overall happiness.
For that simple reason, a famous poet had advocated the practice of humor even in adversity i.e., to laugh it out whenever somebody is in trouble, to be able to surmount such difficulty.
Humor requires a little bit of effort on the part of oneself. That is what the sense of humor is all about. Whilst humor is everywhere, we need to discern it to enjoy the same.
There are several people who refuse to get amused over any issue! such people radiate a sense of glum and seriousness around them and also vitiating the entire atmosphere.
How many marriages have happened through letters of love, for the sheer humor content despite the bad grammer!
A person who is humorous not only himself happy but also propagates the happiness all around them by creating an 'aura' of happiness to all!
Like the quality of mercy, the sense of humor is also doubly blessed; it blesseth the one who transmits it and the one who receives it too!
So friends, shall we start beaming our sense of Humor every where?