A famous poet and thinker said that one should learn to loose "temper" when injustice, apathy and atrocities are committed on innocents. But what about people who are always simmering with anger?
There was a man who went to gulf for earning a fortune for his family. He returns to his home after 15 long years. When he reaches home, it was past midnight. He looks through the window to find an young man of 20 years sleeping with his wife with his arms around her. The man becomes furious on seeing this sight. He removes a sword from the roof, kept hidden by him long ago, when a 'parchment paper'with some inscriptions props out with it. He reads out thus, "think before acting on haste"!
Now he realises that his son who was 5 years old when he left for the gulf, wouldbe turning twenty years. Wife now opens the door to see her husband with a sword. She spends no time in explaining how their little son has grown up to be an attractive young man now!
An old saying states that 'If some one wants to protect himself, he should first control his anger. Anger not only harms oneself, it will harm those 'kith and kins' as well.
Anger is lethal like a poison. That is the reason we find several instances of crimes committed in madness like the 'road rages', 'honour killings' etc
There are several sources wherein self-help tips available in plenty, giving various measures that one can take to control anger. No wonder the word Anger in English is close to the word Danger!
Can all of us now, get angery with ANGER?