The genesis of terrorism can be traced to following:-
Perceived discrimination by one or more group by others
Poor economic conditions
Lack of good governance
Dogmatic power groupsThere may be some other reasons as well but mostly they would be related to above.
What is the use of terrorism?
Terrorism has only achieved in getting an attention and has not been really useful in achieving any ideological goals of the terror groups. The reason being that the act of terrorism is not appreciated by any body and it only vitiate the atmosphere for a considerate view of the so called ideology.
Is there any solution to curb terrorism?A two pronged approach is desirable in dealing with this:
1. Short term but very firm measures
2. Long term but large hearted measuresShort term firm measures include tracing out the origin of terror and demolish the same by crippling the source financially and physically.
This would send a strong signals to the perpetrators that they will not be let of the hook so easily, no matter to what extent the society was affected by their terrorist attacks. The more serious the terror attack, the retaliatory action shall be all the more swift and brutal. By brutal I mean that no mercy should be shown to the terror groups and they should be socially made out casts by snapping up food,shelter and other financial supplies besides physically immobilizing them.
It may sound too chivalrous but with the power of a state, necessary logistics can be mobilised and deployed for this purpose.
Sanitising the terror hot-beds of the country, if necessary, (and if all diplomatic efforts fail) a country can chase them into another country from where they would operate as so called "non-state operators"
Improving security should be a parallel and on going activity. This should be done by first giving bio metric National ID cards and ensuring that no one(not even a stray animal) can enter the country without valid documents and through established procedures.
Long term measuresThe long term measures are more like cultural paradigm shift.
This, although may sound difficult, can be achieved... Like the sudden renunciation of war by the Emperor Ashoka and bringing in a sea change in the society by himself resorting to a peaceful way of living by following Buddhism, like what we have seen in the state of Punjab, where development has overruled militancy.
It is very much possible that a slow but sure way of cultural reform would be possible in society which would eventually lead to peaceful co-existence.
To bring in this, enormous efforts, energy and campaigns are required which I am sure with today's advanced telecommunication and technological advancements, must be achievable by kick starting a calibrated campaign.
The method and content of the campaign should be formulated using the resources of think tanks and intelligensia. The underlying principle being that it would be possible to change even the weakminded amongst the majority of
peaceloving masses into having faith in peaceful co-existence through development, education and positive campaign.